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Since the establishment of JJSTONE in 2009, we have been focusing on the manufacturing field of diamond grinding wheels.

Today, JJSTONE is a very competitive product in the market, and has been widely recognized by users, and constantly expand the business field with diamond grinding wheel manufacturing technology and professional knowledge.

JJSTONE has a wealth of knowledge in industrial diamond tools, and it is a principle to provide continuous technical support to users. Our experts always listen to users and try their best to meet their needs.
Nanchang JJSTONE technology co., ltd, specializing in the production of resin, ceramic, metal, electroplating diamond (SDC) and cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheel, the company has automatic hot pressing machine, CNC machining center, CNC lathe, dynamic balancing instrument, universal tool grinder, universal precision cylindrical grinding machine, high-speed rotary machine, laser engraving machine, such as professional production and testing equipment, external cylindrical grinding wheel maximum diameter is 700 mm, maximum end face grinding wheel diameter is 1200 mm. Purchase imported high quality raw materials, committed to provide customers with high quality grinding wheels of all types, and work with customers to solve various grinding technical problems.

临邑县| 定安县| 临沧市| 库伦旗| 梧州市| 岚皋县| 慈溪市| 温州市| 万山特区| 武川县| 延吉市| 富阳市| 蒙城县| 手游| 密云县| 靖宇县| 改则县| 嘉黎县| 白山市| 峨眉山市| 九江县| 大理市| 喀喇沁旗| 高州市| 定结县| 鲁甸县| 新平| 阳高县| 池州市| 黎平县| 荔波县| 衢州市| 亳州市| 綦江县| 麻城市| 峨山| 娄烦县| 慈溪市| 巩留县| 阿拉善盟| 兰考县|